Flower pot origami

Dessert is something I can’t miss it after dishes or for Le goûter.

We can feel more convivial ambiance when there is a nice dessert and it is exciting to choose it if they are different! 

 Little simple cute strawberries can be a good dessert.

IMG_20150621_164004Or a big fraiser

Or a little piece of fraisier.

Frasier is a strawberry tarte and I love it when it is  with  big fresh Crème chantilly.

hm.. I could not find a big chantilly one in my quartier :p  but it was good enough and gourmand!


I made a flower pot origami.

Before to attack my fraisier, I put a flower pot origami gently aside of that.

Oh.. so cute 🙂

These little piece of cake and a paper flower pot origami just make me feel so happy and melt.

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With 3 pieces of paper, I have a beautiful flower pot.

I love it!

oh ho! the surprise is not finished

Little secret……

I  put a little horse inside of the pot box.



A little cute horse was sleeping inside of the pot box!


Thank you for your reading until here!  🙂

Have a good day!